Tribe Trailer

Thursday 25 March 2010

Deep in the forest something stirs

STOP PRESS! The Earth is in big danger. The globe is overheating, the seas are poisoned and pollution is everywhere.

Ok, so Mother Nature is down - but she's far from out. And what's more she's fighting back! Deep in the forest something is stirring. A new band of heroes is coming to put a stop to the bad guys who are trying to waste the planet. Talon, Vana, Finn, Mo, Kat and Bruin see the world from a new point of view. They're part human and part animal - but all hero. And they're aiming to use their hybrid super senses to put eco villains like Dr Hed Case, Kon Kreet and Ty Koon where they belong - in jail! But bad guys like these fight dirty so Tribe had better be ready to go in where it hurts if they want to win. Don't worry, they will. After all, the planet is depending on them!